Monday, June 27, 2011


I seem to be on a roll with this whole blog thing today, so I thought that while I have a short break during nap time, I would write about my morning...  It started early as usual.  Harrison woke up around 4am to eat.  Britt, being the amazing husband that he is got and fed him so I could sleep a bit longer.  Parker woke up around 6:30 I think.  We both woke up with slightly cranky moods... Plus, I woke up with a headache  :(  The early morning is all kind of a haze, but I think Harrison woke up around 7.  I decided to go ahead and try feeding him some cereal.  Of course, anytime you feed a baby it gets messy.  This time was no exception.  No big deal.  Well, after I get him semi-cleaned up from the cereal mess, I start to give him his bottle.  Definitely forgot to screw the top on good, so milk pored all over my sweet baby and me as well!  I say to myself, "Oh well, I might as well finish feeding him and clean US up after the bottle.  He is just going to spit up everywhere." Which he did.  After the bottle, I stand up only to discover  that not only did I have spilt milk AND spit up all over me, but baby poo poo as well.  Great.  So I set Harrison on his mat so I can go dig a diaper out of his bag.  After getting side tracked a few times, I pick Harrison up to go change his diaper.  Of course, there was poo ALL over the play mat and poor little Harrison's back.  I get him semi-cleaned up again, and set him in the bounce while I tend to Parker(probably wanting breakfast).  After getting Harrison bathed and put down for his nap, things finally start to slow down a little.  I was able to some laundry done, take some tylenol, eat lunch, play with Parker outside for a few minutes, and get things pretty much in order!  What's next?  Folding, ironing, and putting away clothes, make a grocery list,  feed Harrison, wash dishes, etc.  Oh, and hopefully get a shower at some point!  It get's crazy around here sometimes, but I wouldn't change it for the world!

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