Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Chocolate Chunk Cookies

I made this recipe for the first time today and it is yummy!  I always like it when people take pictures as the go through the recipe, so I decided to give it a try!  I didn't quite get every step, but it will have to do!

Beat 1 cup of butter on medium for 30 seconds

Add granulated sugar, brown sugar, and baking soda.  Beat until combined.

Scrape sides and beat a bit more.

If you are making it triple chocolate chip, you need to melt 2oz. of unsweetend baking chocolate , let cool, and mix with eggs.  YOU WILL ALSO NEED 2 EGGS INSTEAD OF 1! 

Add egg...

and vanilla.

After egg mixture is blended, add flour and mix.

Chop 10oz white baker's chocolate

Add white and semi-sweet chocolate and stir in.

Spoon on to cookie sheet

Let cool for about 1 minute before moving to a cooling rack.

The Recipe
Helper optional :)



Yesterday we met our friends Rebecca, Margaret, and baby Owen at the park!  They just moved to jackson for a little while and we are so excited we get to see them more often!  Parker and Margaret had a blast playing together.  It was so funny to listen to them having a conversation.  They are both growing up so fast!  
Typical boy

They played so hard!  Their little faces were SO red!

When it was time to leave, Margaret and Parker went to slide one more time.  They were all the way on the other side of the playground when Rebecca looked over and said she thought Parker was peeing.  I looked up and sure enough, he had his pants pulled down and was peeing away... Oh, and not only was Margaret standing right there, but there were 2 other kids standing there as well!  I guess it's time to have a little lesson on places we can and cannot use the bathroom!  Fun times... 

Monday, June 27, 2011


I seem to be on a roll with this whole blog thing today, so I thought that while I have a short break during nap time, I would write about my morning...  It started early as usual.  Harrison woke up around 4am to eat.  Britt, being the amazing husband that he is got and fed him so I could sleep a bit longer.  Parker woke up around 6:30 I think.  We both woke up with slightly cranky moods... Plus, I woke up with a headache  :(  The early morning is all kind of a haze, but I think Harrison woke up around 7.  I decided to go ahead and try feeding him some cereal.  Of course, anytime you feed a baby it gets messy.  This time was no exception.  No big deal.  Well, after I get him semi-cleaned up from the cereal mess, I start to give him his bottle.  Definitely forgot to screw the top on good, so milk pored all over my sweet baby and me as well!  I say to myself, "Oh well, I might as well finish feeding him and clean US up after the bottle.  He is just going to spit up everywhere." Which he did.  After the bottle, I stand up only to discover  that not only did I have spilt milk AND spit up all over me, but baby poo poo as well.  Great.  So I set Harrison on his mat so I can go dig a diaper out of his bag.  After getting side tracked a few times, I pick Harrison up to go change his diaper.  Of course, there was poo ALL over the play mat and poor little Harrison's back.  I get him semi-cleaned up again, and set him in the bounce while I tend to Parker(probably wanting breakfast).  After getting Harrison bathed and put down for his nap, things finally start to slow down a little.  I was able to some laundry done, take some tylenol, eat lunch, play with Parker outside for a few minutes, and get things pretty much in order!  What's next?  Folding, ironing, and putting away clothes, make a grocery list,  feed Harrison, wash dishes, etc.  Oh, and hopefully get a shower at some point!  It get's crazy around here sometimes, but I wouldn't change it for the world!

Swimming Lessons

Parker took swimming lessons over the weekend!  This was his second year to take.  I was so excited for him to start because we have gone to the pool a few times, and has been fearless!  He has no problem jumping off the side and going under water whether someone is ready to catch him or not!  I am so thankful for this little floaty...

He can jump, swim, and float on his back, all by himself with that floaty on!  Anyway,  the first day he did ok.  It took him a little while to warm up to his teacher, Mrs. Madelaine.  Ok, maybe like 45 minutes to warm up.  He did great the last fifteen minutes though!  The second day he did so good.  He was jumping off the side and going underwater.  The third day, was pretty bad.  I had to wake him up from an already short nap.  He did not want to go!  He finally got in the pool when he saw his aunt's swimming.  Of course, he ONLY wanted to swim to Ann Marie and Rebecca.  Overall,  he did great.  By the end of the weekend he was holding his breathe when he went under water, and learning to ask before he jumped in the pool.  Definitely a good thing!  Here is a little video and a few pictures from his swimming lessons.

This pic is my favorite :) 

Harrison at 4 months!

Harrison is 4 months now!  He is growing so fast!  He is already in 6-9 month clothes!  He is not a super chunky baby, but he is LONG!  He is going to be a talker like his big brother.  It is hard for him to get a word in while Parker is awake though, so he usually waits and does his talking when Parker is asleep :)  He LOVES his feet!  If he is awake, he usually has his feet in his hands.  When he is on his mat, he grabs his feet and rolls from side to side.  It is so funny!  He still hates tummy time...  He wants so badly to sit up like a big boy!  His little legs are ALWAYS kicking.  He is going to be mobile before we know it!  Here are his statistics from his 4 month check-up...

Height: 26 inches (84th percentile)
Weight: 14 lbs. 13oz. (50th percentile)
I can't remember his exact head circumference, but he was in the 20th percentile for head circumference.  He has a tiny head :)

He still eats every 3 hours.  Every once in awhile I can get him to stretch 4 hours, but that is rare!  He only takes 3-6 ounces.  We started him on cereal with a spoon tonight!  He did better than I thought.  He spit most of it out though :)  Britt took 96 pictures of the event, here is a video of the pictures in motion...

Thursday, June 16, 2011


My bunco group went to Easley Amused this week instead of playing bunco.  We had so much fun!  Of course, my painting is not the most beautiful, but it was more about the experience and fellowship, than my artistic abilities :)  We welcomed mine and Holly's Southern Miss buddy to the group, Dr. Carrie Tilley!  We also celebrated the upcoming birth of baby Preston!  Here are a few pictures from our night!

Chelsea, Caroline, and Christy

The Southern Miss girls!

The whole group

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


For those of you who have never been around Parker, you don't know how much of a little talker he is. He talks NON-STOP! It literally makes me tired sometimes. Well, today was one of those days. You would think waking up in the FIVE O'CLOCK hour alone, would be enough to make him take a nap. Add in vacation bible school and lunch with his Kk, and I thought he would definitely take a nap. NOT!!! He played and played, had to go potty no less than 3 times, and just refused to go to sleep. Anyway, I have decided to start taking videos of him every once in a while and posting them on the blog. As much as it may frustrate and irritate me now, I know I will probably look back and laugh. Plus, he says the funniest things sometimes and I want to remember all his funny little sayings :) So here is the first video... :)

*Sorry it's blurry at times. It was taken with my DLSR so I had to focus manually :)

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

My life

Here is a little peak into my life.

I usually let Parker play in the backyard by himself. Don't worry, it is fully fenced in :) Well, yesterday he was outside playing and I was inside with Harrison, when I remembered the kiddie pool was set up outside. You never know what will happen, so I usually stay outside with him when it is set up. Anyway, I hurry outside and this is what I found...
Fully clothed, complete with rubber boots! I couldn't help but bust up laughing and run and grab my camera!

I asked him what he was doing, and he said, "I am making a mud puddle!"

I finally got the video to upload! Enjoy :)