Friday, January 18, 2013

Dear Harrison

My Dearest Harrison,

It is 1:30 in the morning. Contrary to popular belief, it is not playtime. No matter how many times you call my name, I will not let you get up and play. Please go back to sleep. Mommy is very tired



Ps. This is why I am tired...

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Mud Puddles!

We have been cooped up in the house for waaaaayyy too long!  When the sun decided to come out yesterday, we took full advantage!  Armed with their rain boots, the boys headed outside to find some mud puddles!  Although rain boots seem like a good idea, when it comes to my boys, they are pretty much pointless.  Oh well, we tried!

Parker made an awesome jump into the puddle!  
He was not too excited with what happened afterwards.  ;)

Harrison had tons of fun too!  

The aftermath!

Sometimes you just have to let go and get dirty!  The boys were SO dirty after the finished playing, but they had SO much fun!  They BOTH took naps that day!  ;)

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Crave photography is doing a lens giveaway!  Check it out!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Anniversary Trip to Seaside, FL

May 25, 2012 was mine and Britt's 5th anniversary.  Our honeymoon was very short, so we wanted to go somewhere for a full week.  We thought about going to a Sandals Resort, but I found these adorable cottages in Seaside that we decided to do instead.  We had a great time!  We were gone for 7 days and 6 nights.  It was so relaxing and nice not to have schedule and just do whatever we wanted for a week!

The first pictures are iPhone/Instagram photos.
Saying goodbye to Harry.  He stayed the week at Kk and Jojo's house.
Parker stayed at Gram and Gramps' house.  As you can see, both boys were very sad for us to go!  ;)
Our cottage for the week.  Beachfront Cottage 10.

The view we saw when we walked onto the balcony for the first time.  Perfection.

We ate at Bud and Alley's our first night out.  We were able to get a table with a sunset view!

EVIL flies!  They ate us up almost the entire time we were there!
Eating at Pickles in Seaside.

We had another bug problem.  Giant ants upstairs!  They were everywhere!

We spent one night in Destin.  I can't remember the name of this restaurant, but it was good! 

Britt and I went for several runs while in Seaside.  It was nice to do it together!

Trying to hide from the flies!

Our favorite restaurant Great Southern Cafe.  We ate here twice. YUM :)


This is what happens when you leave your child with grandparents.  My mom sent me this picture and asked they could buy them.  

Seaside Post Office

I snapped these two pictures of Watercolor on our way home.

Here are the pics from my big camera...

Living room
Living room again

5 years!

Tiny kitchen
Close-up of the kitchen

Outside our little beach house.

View to the right from our balcony

Another view from our balcony.  This is looking back into Seaside.

View to the left.
