Monday, April 25, 2011

8 Weeks

Harrison is 8 weeks! Actually he is 9 weeks now, but I have been a little busy ;) His littlepersonality is slowly starting to show. He started smiling at around 7 weeks. He has the sweetest smile! It just melts my heart! According to Parker, he has been smiling since birth though. Sometimes I would be feeding Harrison and Parker would say, "Look mommy, Harrison is smiling at me!" He has also started cooing. Also the sweetest thing ever! I just love it when their personalities start to come out!

At his 8 week check-up he was a whopping 12lbs, 1oz, and 23 1/4 inches long! Almost 2 pounds heavier than Parker at 8 weeks, and3/4in. longer! He is still only taking 3-4 oz of formula every 2 1/2 to 3 hours. I am SO ready for him to start stretching out his feedings! He usually has one 5 1/2 hour stretch at night, but he is still not sleeping through the night. He is staying awake a little more during the day, but he still sleeps alot!(just not at night) I was a little worried about it, but the doctor assured me it was normal for him to still be sleeping most of the day.

He seems to be more laid back than Parker. If his bottle get clogged, he just keeps on sucking without making a peep. Parker would scream like crazy if his bottle ever got clogged! All in all, he is just the sweetest little man. I love having two boys, and I can't wait for them to play together and hopefully be the best of friends!

Another GREAT Giveaway!

Baby Gizmo is having another great giveaway! A Phil and Teds Verve. THis is an awesome stroller because it can be a single OR a double! It's retail value is $819! Head over to and check it out!

Monday, April 11, 2011


. bivXDDzpcEfZX7Z76rqX7Bz_zDvqk75qc1kwQSKySZEQcqmQL0WvK1CgaJRzJGZAvfyCX-gA2lK7nd3cio_w2O1hkXoHNZL6o1EKygajwvzYUVgpltQg8QASpunAvDgZeVJNQEr1vDTc4sS-VGsk1Bt4H-RfqSNrKt62BSyGXrTGL9ptF89FyTq-lDurz7Y.jpg is giving away a 2011 Maclaren Triumph stroller! Super excited about this giveaway! For a chance to win, head over to or check out their facebook page