Thursday, November 3, 2016

Mary McKinley Part One

Sunday, October 2 at 4:00pm, Britt and I headed to the hospital to get ready for my induction!

Our room was huge!
 By 4:45, I was hooked up and already having contractions on my own!
By 6:00 I was 2.5cm!  It was a loooong night.  I didn't get much sleep.  Britt on the other hand...

Snoozing away!

My contractions were 4-6 minutes apart all night.  I would have a contraction that wasn't too bad, and then I would have one that I thought was going to kill me.  It was kind of weird, but I was thankful for relief every once in a while!

The nurse was suppose to come in at 4:30 so I could get ready for the induction.  4:30 came and went and she hadn't come back in.  I asked Britt to go get her.  I was in a lot of pain.  She finally came in and checked me.  I was 7-8cm!  I immediately asked if I was going to be able to get my epidural.  She said, "Yes, I am going to go call right now."  My contractions were getting stronger and stronger.  I remember thinking that if I didn't get my epidural, I was going to die.  There was no way I could push this baby out without an epidural! 

I don't remember what time the anesthesiologist finally came in, but it was probably around 5:30.  By 6:00 I was feeling much better!  The day nurse came in a little after 7:00 and told me they were going to wait to break my water until after my doctor finished her first surgery.  Well, about 5 minutes later, I started to feel major pressure and a little bit of pain.  Britt called the nurse back in.  She checked me and said I was 10cm and she could feel her head!  Needless to say, Mary McKinley was coming SOON.  They doctor broke my water at 7:52 and Mary McKinley was born at 8:01!  

7 pounds 5 ounces 19 3/4 inches