Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Harrison 18 Months

My, my, my... Harrison is now 20 months.  Ooops!  I just couldn't find the time or motivation to update the blog.  So terrible right? Here is Harrison's 18-20 month update ;)

Harrison.  my how you are growing up!  You are continuing to bring so much joy and excitement to our lives.  I am so thankful to be your mommy. 

At 18-20 months you are:
  • Talking up a storm!  Your first phrase was, "I don't want to." and "I don't want it."  Yesterday,, as we were walking to the car, I stopped for something and you turned around and said, "You coming?" Ha!  it cracked me up!  I think you are learning most of it from your big brother!
  • You used to be a good eater, but your appetite is going downhill fast!  You are just too busy to stop and eat.  We are working on it though. :)
  • You are not too fond of milk, but you will drink it sometimes.  I have been putting carnation instant breakfast in it to help put some meat on your bones :)
  • You LOVE juice.  I have to limit your juice intake, or i will be changing stinky diapers avery few hours!
  • You are getting a little more stable on your feet, but you are still pretty clumsy!  You fall all the time.  Mostly because you aren't looking where you are walking. :)
  • You LOVE, I repeat, LOVE your big brother.  You want to do everything your brother does.  You also want to eat or drink everything that your brother eats and drinks.  
  • You "name" the truck as they pass on the road.  You can say, Peterbilt and Volvo, although you can't tell which is which.  You can point out a dump truck and a tractor.  
  • You are BUSY BUSY BUSY!  You are constantly getting into things and making messes.  Much the opposite of your big brother.  Like I said, you keep life exciting these days!
  • You take 1 afternoon nap a day.  
  • You started MDO in September and you love it.  When I ask you if you want to go to school, you say, "YEAH!" We are working on the m'ams and sirs. :)
  • You are cutting your 2 year molars.  Everything goes in the mouth :)
  • You have the motor sound down.  You will sit and push trucks and make your motor sounds just like bubba does.  It is the cutest thing!
  • You are fearless!  You will climb anything you can find to climb.  You love to slide.  Doesn't matter what size the slide!  You have given me a mild heart attack on several different occasions!
  • When I tell you I love you, you will say, "I la you mommy."  Melts my heart every time.
  • You are not shy at all. You wave and say hey or bye to most everyone we pass.  
  • For the record, going into fall/winter, you are in 2T clothing.  Although, you can wear 18-24 month pants.  I have a feeling all of your clothes will be too short before winter is over.  Tall boy!  You are wearing a size 7 or 7 1/2 shoe.  

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