Harrison also has 4 molars coming in. Poor thing. The two on the right side have popped through. The two on the left are still making there way. I am SO over the whole teething thing. It has not been fun. I know the poor baby is in pain, but he has been so clingy. I mean, if I look at him, he starts crying and crawls straight to me. We were at a friends house a few weeks ago, and I was sitting on the floor in the play room. Harrison was playing happily by himself across the room. I decided to try and sneak downstairs. I stood up, and Harrison started screaming bloody murder and crawling to me. I am telling you, the clinginess, is about to make me lose my mind!
I am still trying to get him off his bottle. I must say, I am not trying very hard. I feel like he is going through so much right now. I would rather just take one thing at a time. For instance, first he wouldn't drink whole milk. Now he will drink it, but only from a bottle. Now that he is off of formula, I feel like I can move to the next thing. Now I am trying to decide if that should be get rid of the bottle, or transitioning to one nap a day. Ah the joys of motherhood.
Parker is is keeping me busy as well. I must say, at the moment, he is WAY easier than Harrison. He is pretty independent and plays very well by himself. He is not a big fan of sharing his toys. If he hears "Harry" coming down the hallway, he starts screaming, "NO! Get Harry! He's going to get my toys! NO NO HARRY!" Such brotherly love.
Park is starting preschool in the fall! I can't believe my baby is going to be in preschool. I don't know if I will ever stop calling him my baby either. He always tells me he is a big boy not a baby.
A few of Parker's favorite things are: trucks, anything that is a diesel, Cars, Toy Story, Mighty Machines, trailers, and probably his favorite thing, his gator. He told me his gator needed a hitch so he could pull his trailer(wagon). I told him what I always tell him, "I will get your daddy to make you one." :) This is what his daddy came up with:

Thank goodness for a resourceful husband! The "trailer" has also been a very good baby sitter while I get the kitchen clean. ;) As you can see from this picture, and almost all my pictures on facebook, Parker wears his boots ALL THE TIME. He will occasionally wear his tennis shoes, but only if he is going to be running. Boots are for walking, and tennis shoes are for running :) I was hoping the boots would make it to Harrison, but it is not looking so promising. :) What can I say? He is all boy!
That's all for now!
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