My boys cannot be more different. Harrison is fearless. There is nothing he will not try. He eats turnips, pineapple, reeses pieces(oops), french fries, hamburgers, etc. He is also a little dare devil. He gets into everything! He can pull the socket covers out of the sockets, he can climb onto the dish washer door when it is down, and as of yesterday morning, he can do this...
Yes, he climbed our of his highchair onto my bed. I had him in the highchair taking his bottle, but as soon as I left the room, Parker says, "MAMA! Harrison is on the bed!" Oh my. I can't leave that boy for a second.
As far as Parker goes, he has never been the adventurous type. He keeps me on my toes in a different way. I am sure if you are friends with me on facebook, you know what I am talking about. His mouth! He has always been a talker. He really does say the darndest things. Today he told me that I couldn't sing the song that was on the radio because it was a boy singing. Therefore, it was only to be sung by a boy. Of course, Harrison can't talk yet, so I guess we will have to wait and see if he takes after his brother in that aspect...
As different as they are, I love them both. They both keep me on my toes and laughing!
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Parker asked me to take his picture with the sheep. Excuse the pj's and bed head :) |
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