My sweet baby boy is 4 weeks old! I cannot believe how fast the past 4 weeks have gone by! He is growing like a weed. I had to take him to the doctor on monday. I thought he might be getting sick, but it turned out to be reflux :( The nurse weighed him when we got there. He weighed 10 pounds! He has gained 2 1/2 pounds in 4 weeks! I might have a little chunker on my hands :)
He is still waking up every 3 hours during the night to eat. Sometimes he will give us a 4 hour stretch. He is starting to stay awake during the day a little more. Usually after his 8-9am feeding and 4-5pm feeding. I just love it when he is awake! He has the sweetest eyes! He is starting to focus on the person who is holding him or talking to him. I can't wait for him to start smiling! He smiles in his sleep, and it is the sweetest thing!
Parker still LOVES his baby brother. He will ask to help feed him every once in a while and sometimes he will even ask to hold him. He also tells me when he needs his paci or has spit up. I have a feeling he is going to be very protective of his little brother. It is so sweet.
I was going to try and get some brother pictures today, but it turned into individual pictures. Hopefully I can get them together soon! Here are a few of the pics I took this afternoon...

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