Wednesday, January 20, 2016

The BEST Chicken Noodle Soup Recipe!

I found this recipe on pinterest.  It is delicious!  I am always looking for a new yummy recipe, so I thought I would share this one!  Rather than typing out the entire recipe, here is the link to the recipe.  Enjoy!

I leave the skin on the chicken because it's delicious.  I may or may not eat some of it before I put it back in the pot.  I know it's probably not good for me, but it's just so good.  Moderation ;)

It freezes very well.  I made some the other day and got two gallon freezer bags full and two quart size.  The quart size held a little over one serving.  Just FYI. :)

I just love pinterest recipe's!!!

Sunday, January 17, 2016

iPhone Pics Summer 2015

Fun at Uncle Will's farm!  

They were SO tired


Beautiful sunset 

Story time at Highland Village

New backpack for FIRST grade!

Excited about baseball camp!

1st day did not go so well.  He got overheated and started throwing up.  The rest of the week, he had a blast! 

Feeding the ducks after a check-up. Parker's I think :) 

Yummy snow cone!

Parker reading to Harry.  Learning how to read is life changing... for  everyone! :)

Atlanta bound with the boys!

We spent the night in Birmingham and got to me Danielle and her kiddos for breakfast! 

Steak 'n  Shake! 


Very excited boys!

Poor Parker didn't get to see Freddie play.  He was hurt :(

Daddy caught him a ball thrown by Eury Perez! 

Harry got bored :)

Roger McDowell HANDED Parker a ball!  I wish we had asked him to autograph it! :(

My three boys :)

Harry couldn't hang.

Braves Live!

Stopped at Ikea for a couch.  We looked like the Beverly Hillbillies on our way home! 

My pics are out of order... Last day of Kindergarten! 

Sweet friends.  Parker, Allen, Miller, and Foster 

BEST teachers ever!  We love Mrs. Harvey and Mrs. Dear!

Eating ice cream

My little Golden Eagles 

Anniversary dinner!  At home, kid free, and no make-up.  Best way to celebrate! ;) 

Roasting marshmallows over the grill!  HA! #citylife

Shadow tag!  

Lots of pool time with my bonnet baby!

Caca's "last" recital

Baby got back. hahahaha!


My baby girl! 

Meme teaching Parker about tithing. 

Fun at the lake in Hattiesburg!

Making chocolate chip pancakes with Gram. 

He picked this hat out :) 

Chatting with Ava :)

Blueberry picking!

Harry, Robert, and Allen going to pick blueberries.  Parker was at Gram's house.

Father's Day!

We had a weekend away and drove down the trace.  So fun!

Britt shattered his phone on our weekend away! :(

Gatlinburg here we come!

First stop, Cracker Barrel in Meridian! 

Being silly with Gramps!


We hiked 5 miles with all three kids!  Uncle David carried Caroline pretty much the whole way to the waterfall!



Fun with our neighbors!

Caroline's 1st pig tails!

Daddy trying a ponytail!

I told them to go get the table... Pretty clever

Making a Gramps face :) 

We had a fun summer!  So thankful!