You are one! This year has flown by. We have loved every second you have been with us! You are the sweetest baby girl. You are super laid back. From day 1, you have just gone with the flow of our crazy family. You have eaten countless meals(bottles) while driving down the road or sitting in carline. I am so thankful for your laid back personality!
You took your first steps a few weeks before your birthday. You have been one for almost two weeks and you are walking a lot! Not full time, but more than either of your brothers were at this point ;) You have 5 teeth and more coming in! So far, you haven't complained much about teething.
At your 1 year check-up, you weighed 20lbs. 13oz (44%), you were 31 inches tall, which is 94%! You are a tall, skinny girl! :) You were a very big girl at your check-up. You cried for about a minute when you got your two shots.
A few other tid-bits about your one year old self:
- You are in size 3 diapers
- You are wearing 12-18 month clothing. 18 months if it is a one piece!
- Size 4 shoes
- You can say mama, dada, bubba, bye-bye, peep-eye, peek-a-boo(pee-boo),
- You HATE bath time. I bathed you the sink the other day and you didn't cry, so I think that will be our new bath tub for a while...
- You are moving for 2 naps to one this week. Although, yesterday you took two ;)
- You are on whole milk. At first you would one drink it if we warmed it up a bit, but you are getting used to it being cold.
- No more baby food for you. You love real food! You are a good eater and I am praying you stay that way!
- You still get a bottle in the morning and at night. I think the morning bottle will be the hardest to drop.
- Unless you are in the car, you can't go to sleep without your paci! You only get it when you sleep. When I get you out of bed, you take it out of your mouth and throw it in the bed. You used to say bye-bye and wave. :)
- You love to dance. When you hear music, you immediately start dancing. I'm counting down the days I get to sign you up for ballet!
- You are into everything. So far, you haven't been a climber like Harry, but there's still time!
- You are one tough cookie. I have a feeling you will be putting your brothers in their place very soon ;)
We love you so much Caroline! Happy Birthday sweet girl!