Monday, August 19, 2013

23 Weeks

I am 23 weeks along in this pregnancy! Time is flying! 

Feeling good so far!  We made it through the ultra-sound without finding out what the gender is! Hopefully I can make it through the next one. So far, it doesn't bother me too much not knowing. Harry still says its a sister and Parker WANTS a brother. Over half way there! 

Fun in the Kitchen

One day last week, I decided to let the boys help me in the kitchen.  We were going to make fruit pizza and french bread pizza.  Both recipe's are easy and child friendly.  We had lots of fun!  The fruit pizza never made it past the sugar cookie stage.  We will have to try again next time ;)

Harrison ate more cheese than he put on the pizza :)

Having so much fun!

Caught ya Harry!

Harrison's philosophy to most things: If I smile, I won't get in trouble!

The finished product.  I sauteed some peppers, onions, and mushrooms for Britt's half :)

I love having little helper's in the kitchen!

Friday, August 16, 2013

Having a blast!

Harry and I have had a busy week! We met our friends Amy and Sam at the Ag Museum Tuesday 

Harry and Sam got in a quick game of bottle cap checkers. ;) I feel like this pic is a flash into the future. Little old men. :) 

Wednesday we met our friends Tiffany and Karis at CFA. Sadly, I didn't get a picture, but we had a blast!  Parker stayed for lunch bunch Wednesday, so Harry and I ran a bunch of errands before we had to pick Park up. 

I had some helpers in the kitchen Wednesday afternoon. We made a sugar cookie crust for fruit pizza and French bread pizza. The cookie ended up being eaten before we had a chance to make it into fruit oizza! ;)  The French bread pizza was really yummy! 

Thursday, I had my 23 week check-up. Everything looked great! Dr. Brantley had a hard time getting a steady heartbeat because this baby is sooo active!  I met up Kk and Harrison after my appt and we headed over to Aunt Jennie's apartment. We picked Parker up and Kk treated us to lunch a mcalister's! 

Today, Harrison and I met my friend Larrian and her family at the children's museum. We weren't able to spend much time with them, or get a picture, but it was good to see her and meet her latest addition!  Harry had a blast exploring without Parker telling him where to go and what to do! 

After we picked up Parker, we went to Marshall's so Parker could buy a tanker truck he spied yesterday. He used his  money from the tooth fairy. He was sooo excited! 

Parker had the best first week of school. He is absolutely loving it!  He has already made a little buddy. He said he still misses his old school, but I am so thankful he is loving his new school!  

I took this picture in the car after I picked him up today. 

Contrary to what it looks like he had the biggest smile on his face when he got in the car. He decided to be difficult/funny and not smile for me...boys. ;) 

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Boat Life

We took the boat out for the first time this year a few weeks ago.  We had the best time!  The water was a little choppy, which made Parker a little nervous.  I don't think he started having fun until we went to the channel.  They both love to help Daddy drive the boat.  Luckily, they were pretty good at sharing this time.  Probably because Parker was too scared to stand up in the choppy water... ;)

Captain Harrison

Harry had to help britt steer the trolling motor too. 

Captain Parker

My boys loading the boat.

We trolled around while we ate a snack.  It was such a fun time.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Parker's 1st day of 4k!

Monday was Parker's first day of 4 year old preschool!  I can't believe I have an almost FIVE year old! We met his teacher, Mrs. Murphy the week before.  He was pretty nervous.  He looked like he was on the verge of tears when we walked into his new classroom.  I have never seen him so nervous!  It was hard to see him like that, but he made it through!

Exploring the new playground!

He did NOT want to take a picture.

After LOTS of begging.

We headed to the pool for some swimming fun after we met his teacher.
I tried to have everything ready for school sunday night.  I packed his backpack and snacks and picked out his clothes.  He made sure I did not pick out shorts with buttons(I will be so glad when the 'I hate buttons' phase is over).  He slept till almost 8 o'clock monday morning!  He has been sleeping in most mornings lately.  It is quite nice! ;)  Thankfully, he was in a good mood and let me snap a few pics before we left.

He insisted on taking a pic of his backpack.

Sweet brothers :)

So big. 
He did so good when we got to school.  He gave his teacher her present and walked right in and started playing.  Of course, he was the first one there and had his pick of the toys ;)  

Of course he found a firetruck to play with.

After we dropped Parker off, Harry and I headed to McDonald's for a special breakfast.  We gotta have a little fun while brother is at school.  Although, Parker says he has WAY more fun at school than we do at home. ;)

Sweet boy

We also snacked on some strawberries...

and practiced Harrison's writing skills :)

Fun times with mommy!
All in all it was a very fun, exciting day!  Parker had a great first day and was so excited to go back this morning!  He asked me 127 times this morning if it was time to go to school.  :)  It's going to be a great year!