Harrison is 15 months! Well, almost 16 now :) We have been crazy busy. I keep wondering if life is ever going to slow down!
Harrison, at 15 months, you weighed 22lbs(26%), you were about 33 inches tall(95%), and your head circumference was in the 46th percentile. You are tall and thin. You eat and eat and eat. You are a much better eater than your brother. You would never know it though. In my opinion, you are thin for several reasons. You NEVER stop moving! If you are awake, you are walking/running/falling somewhere. You are also very independent and stubborn. You INSIST on feeding yourself. Therefore, only about half of the food I give you makes it to your mouth. You gotta learn somehow right? :) Here is an example of you feeding yourself...

Like I said earlier, you are a very active little boy. You are either eating, sleeping, or moving. You are into everything! You especially love the plunger, toilet brushes and cleaning brushes. No matter how many time I put them away or shut the bathroom door, you somehow manage to find them! You still think your "Bubba" is the bees knees :) Although, y'all seem to fight more than you get along. You like to take your brother's toys and vice versa. You also love to play outside.
I took you and Parker swimming a few weekends ago, and you HATED it! You screamed the whole time you were in the water. I chased you around the whole time scared you were going to fall in the water! You did like to sit by the ladder and put your feet in. That also cause me to have frequent panic attacks. I think we will stick to the splash pad and kiddie pool for now!
You are talking more and more. I probably can't remember everything you can say, but here are the words that I do remember. Mama, daddy, bubba, ball, juice, outside, NO, hey, and bye bye. I am sure there are a few more. You try to say princess(aunt re's dog) and abbie.
You have a major temper! If you don't get what you want, you throw a FIT! You love to say the word NO. I don't know how you can be so bad and so cute at the same time. Sometimes it is vary hard for me to get on to you. You definitely know what you are doing too!
At 15 months, you are keeping me very busy! I love watching you grow and learn new things. You are growing up so fast! I am so thankful to be your mommy :)