- I call you my sweet Harrison for a reason. You are the sweetest little thing!
- Your smile makes me melt.
- I have loved waiting for each milestone to come. Some have come earlier than i expected, and some much later than I expected. Not that you are behind or anything, but I really expected you to start walking by 10 months! :)
- I loved hearing your sweet baby sounds and giggles.
- You have the most beautiful blue eyes, and the longest eyelashes I have ever seen on a baby. Yes, I am jealous ;)
- I love watching you and your big brother play together. Y'all are so much a like it is scary. I am in big trouble!
Like I said, there are many more things I enjoy about you, but I don't have time to write it all down at the moment :)
At one year old, you are:
- crawling like a mad man. You are so fast!
- climbing on everything. You especially love the dishwasher, the fireplace hearth, and the step stool!
- You haven't had baby food for a month or 2. All table food for you!
- You have 6 teeth.
- You can say dada, bubba, mama, bye bye, and sometime I can get you to say "cheese" for the camera!
- You love bath time, but for some reason, you prefer to hold on to the side of the tub and stand the whole time :)
- You take 1-2 naps a day. Lately you have been taking 2, but I think it is because you don't feel good :(
- We were suppose to go for your 1 yr check up tomorrow, but I had to cancel since you were sick. I do know that you weigh 21lbs 10oz. You are not a chunky monkey, but you are solid!
- You are down to about 2 bottles a day. 1 in the morning, and 1 one at night.
- I love almost everything you eat. Pickles, chicken salad, pasta salad, grapes, strawberries, chicken strips, hamburgers, french fries... the list could go on and on!
- You are a pro at drinking from a sippy cup. You have your own baby sippy cups, but you have no problem drinking from your big brother's cups as well
For your 1st birthday, I decided to have a small family birthday party. We cannot fit a lot of people in our tiny house, so I opted for just family. I wanted to have the party at this house since it will be your first and last birthday at this house :( It is going to be a barnyard theme! I didn't start planning until a few days ago, but I think it will still be cute! Your Aunt Danielle your birthday outfit and I can't wait for you to wear it! :)
Harrison, we love you so much. We are so thankful we have you in our lives. I can't wait to see what God has in store for your life! Love you sweet man!