- He weighs around 20lb. (31%)
- I am not sure how long he is. For some reason the nurse never brought me the sheet with his measurements :( I do remember that he is in the 86th percentile for height
- He is crawling, climbing, and maneuvering his way all over the house!
- He stood up for a few seconds earlier this week! I feel pretty sure he will walk earlier than his brother ;)
- He is into EVERYTHING! Parker didn't get into much when he was a baby. I was not expecting this! His favorite place to be is the bathroom. If he realizes the bathroom door is open, he beelines it for the door! We try and keep the doors closed ;)
- He is wearing 12-18 month clothing. He is not super chunky, just really tall!
- He started waving a few weeks ago. He can also say "bye-bye" when he wants to.
- He starting to babble more and say "mamama" or "dadadada".
- He eats puff, veggie sticks, yogurt melts, cooked carrot pieces, and just about anything else we give him that he can pick up with his fingers. I think he is going to love real food!
- I started him on stage 3 baby food. He was not a huge fan, but he is slowly getting used to the new texture.
- He seems to be transitioning to one nap a day. I am in no way, shape, or form, ready for this. I will fight to the end to keep 2 naps :)
- After coughing, having a runny nose, and major congestion, he is finally getting better. We have been to the doctor 4 times in a month. He has been put on 2 anit-biotics, breathing treatments, and a steroid. The steroid was the last resort, and I think it has finally nipped it in the bud... I hope. I hate for my babies to be sick :(
- The breathing treatments are a nightmare to give. He did okay at the beginning. I would turn baby einstein on and he would sit and watch while I held the mask to his face. Now, we just have to hold him down kicking and screaming until it's over. I will be so glad when we are finished with those!
- He needs a hair cut BAD! I held out till Parker turned a year, but that is not going to happen with Harrison. It is past time. Just a trim around the ears and the rat tail in the back ;)
- He loves to do whatever his big brother does. Much to his big brother's dismay :)
- He love steering wheel or anything that can be turned into a steering wheel.
- He love trucks and tractors. He pushes Parker's when he can and makes his motor sound that sounds just like the motor sound Parker makes. A lady in hobby lobby thought Parker was pretending to be a bull... I guess she must have had all girls ;)
- He still smiles all the time. I love it :)
I guess that is about it for the update. Harrison is still the same sweet little baby he has always been, active, but sweet :) I love you my sweet Harrison!
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Like I said, he needs a hair cut ;) |
PS. I never proof read these blog posts, so please excuse in errors :)