WOW. Our life is crazy busy right now! I can't seem to find the time to blog! I have so much I need to update about...
A few weekends ago we went with our friends Jason, Diana, and their two kids Rone Thomas and Edie, to the fair! I was so excited to Parker was going to have a friend to ride rides with him. I woke up feeling a little nauseous. I figured it would pass and we headed out to the fair. We did make a stop by walgreens to get some Pepto though. We hit the petting zoo first. Parker loved seeing the animals, but don't even try to get him to pet them! He's a rough and tough little boy, but he does have a cautious side :)
Next was the carousel!
Parker loved it.
Parker's favorite ride was, of course, the big trucks! |
He waved every time he passed by :) |
I love Rone Thomas in this picture :) Parker is in his own world HA! |
They had so much fun! |
Parker had so much fun, he didn't want to leave! I was feeling sick the whole time we were there. I didn't get to ride a single ride, or eat a single funnel cake! Britt and Jason took the boys to ride a few more rides when I really started to feel sick. I tried to make it to the
bathroom Port-a-potty, but I almost past out. I sat back down and told Diana I was about to pass out. A few seconds later I felt like I was about to vomit. Diana helped me stand up and start walking to the trash can, but I couldn't make it. I puked in my hand, and then about 3-4 more times in the garbage can! So embarrassing! I am so glad that Diana was there to help me! I am just so sorry she had to witness my uncontrollable vomiting.
Last weekend we headed to the AG Museum with some friends from church. I have never been and had no clue what to expect! Parker loved it! He kept saying, "This is so much fun!"
Getting ready for the hay ride! |
Love him. |
He kept his hand on my knee the whole ride :) |
Harrison loved it too :) |
Milk and cookies! |
He loved the horses! |
John Deere! |
Sweet baby |
Picking Pumpkins! |
Last weekend was CA-RAZY! Here is the run down... Wake-up and pack my bag and the boys bag. Leave for the AG Museum at 10:45. On our way, three light came on in my car. I had just gotten it out of the shop a few days before... We head to the AG museum any way. We are at the museum until 1:30. I carried Harrison almost the whole time. Needless to say, my arms were TIRED! We get to the car and I can't find my keys. I looked for them for about 5 minutes. Finally found them in the diaper bag. I put parker in the car and hand him his milk. 5 seconds later, he spills his milk all over the carpet... Get everything loaded up in the car and head to the car shop. Thankfully nothing is wrong with my car. We head to McDonald's to pick up some lunch. I HATE the drive-thru's with 2 lines. They are SO slow. I decided to try somewhere else. We then head to Raising Cain's. I order and pull up to the window. Wait, I can't find my wallet. They girl at the window asks me if I am going to come back... Um yes. As soon as I find my wallet! I head home to get my wallet, when I glance down, and what do I see???? My stinkin' wallet. We stop at the McDonald's in Brandon and are finally on our way to Meridian. Almost to my friend Larrian's, and I pass her drive way. We finish up our photo session sometime after 5 and we head to Hattiesburg. I was on the phone with britt when I came to a road sign. I asked if I needed to go towards jackson or meridian? He said, "Neither. Sarah you are going to the wrong way." Of course I am. I mean the way this day is going, in addition to my terrible sense of direction, and missing GPS, why not add to it! We finally make it to hattiesburg. Saturday morning a had a photo session with my friend Kristi and her sweet and adorable family, and we were headed home! Needless to say, I was worn slap out by Sunday! Now we are back in Hattiesburg. We intended to go to the Southern Miss homecoming, but my Aunt Patti has been put on hospice, so we decided to skip the game and have some family time. I am going to try and do a post telling all about my Aunt Patti, but for now, I would appreciate everyone's prayers. Here is a picture of Patti holding Parker when he was a baby :)