Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Latest

I thought things would slow down after Parker's birthday party, but I was wrong!  It has been crazy around here!

The latest on Harrison- He started clapping a few weeks ago.  It is the cutest thing!  He rolls and scoots around everywhere.  Still not crawling, but I am trying not to push it ;)  He is talking more and more.  He can say "ma ma ma ma" now(can't wait for him to say my name for real!).  He got his first tooth sometime around the weekend of September 17.  I didn't notice it till that wednesday, but my dad says that it had already come in the 17th (we were in hattiesburg for the game).  He can go from sitting to the crawling position, and he has gone for the crawling position to sitting one time.  He still adores his big brother!  Parker can always make him smile.

Parker is still being a hand full.  Love him to death, but that boy is stubborn!  I can't seem to figure out where he got it from ;)  He has been wearing his boots since the day we bought them.  He had an all out fit yesterday because they were wet and he had to wear his sandals.  I am so ready for cold weather so he can stop wearing his boots with shorts!  He has also decided that he no longer likes to wear short with snaps or buttons.  Thankfully he does have a few pairs of khaki shorts without, other than that he rocks his banbury cross checked shorts with his boots!  Trendsetter?  I guess getting the stomach virus is something I need to document.  Parker has never thrown up, until saturday.  Luckily, the vomiting only last a few hours.  A few hours too many though!  He was so pitiful, but such a little trooper!  He kept saying, "Mommy, why am I sick?  I don't want to be sick."  Thank goodness it is over!

Both boys are doing great.  Happy, healthy, and growing like weeds!  

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Parker is 3!

Wow.  Parker is three years old.  My how time flies.  I remember people telling Britt and I how fast it goes by, but you just can't understand it until you have a child of your own.  Parker is growing up so fast!  I will probably be sobbing the whole time I am writing this.  I have a had a very hard time with this birthday.  Three just seems so much older than two.  I feel like he will be graduating from college next week!

I haven't really been keeping up with his milestones lately.  I am going to try my best to remember everything!

  • He is still a VERY picky eater.  He eats a poptart for breakfast almost every morning.  
  • He likes milk, tea, sprite, juice, and coke(when I let him have it)
  • He LOVES anything that is a diesel.  This includes trucks, trains, dump trucks, ambulances, tractors, school buses, garbage trucks, etc.... 
  • He can usually tell the difference between a diesel and a gas burner.
  • He also loves trailers.  
  • He has recently decided he can only wear brown shorts.  Sometimes he will wear kahki's, but usually, "they aren't brown enough"
  • He hates shirts with buttons.  It has become a knock down, drag out, fight to get him to put on a polo or a button up shirt.
  • We bought him a pair of "real" boots for his birthday, and he insists on wearing them EVERYWHERE!  *see picture below
  • Obviously, he still has blonde hair and blue eyes :)
  • He weighs 31lb. and is 36 inches tall
  • He loves being a big brother... most of the time :)
  • He calls Harrison HIS baby. 
  • He has also started calling Harrison "Harry".
  • He has started calling me Mama or mom instead if Mommy.  I have mixed emotions about this ;)
  • He can answer 1-7 of his catechism questions.  Last week he started asking me the questions :)
  • His latest saying is, "I'm good."  For example, my dad asked him if he wanted to drive the diesel truck, and he said, "No thanks, I'm good."
  • Cars is his favorite movie at the moment.
  • "The Lion of Sodor" is he the only Thomas show he ever wants to watch.
Yesterday I took him to his 3 year old check-up.  He did great!  They checked his blood pressure, weighed and measured him, he had to tee tee in a cup, and get his finger pricked!  He didn't cry once!  He was so big about everything!  We found out he has bronchitis, but other than that, he is a healthy boy!  I am so blessed to be Parker's mommy.  I love him so much and can't wait to watch him grow... just not too fast ;)

P.S. I know this post was almost 2 weeks late, but better late than never right???  

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

These Boots Were Made for Walkin'

Yes, his boots are on the wrong feet :)
Today, I took the boys to Boots & More to look for Parker a new pair of boots.  This was is first pair of "real" boots.  He was SO excited.  I really wanted Britt to go with us, but he couldn't get away from work, so we went without him.  Britt can be pretty picky with what he lets his boys wear.  He has Parker very well trained to distinguish if something is for boys or girls.  Which is the precise reason I wanted him to come with us.

Anyway, we walk into the store and a sales girl walked us back to the children's boots.  Parker has a extremely wide foot.  Most shoes, he wears an extra wide, and in some cases an extra extra wide!  I told the girl this, but she wasn't much help.  I just started pulling boots out of boxes and trying them on him.  Parker was having so much fun.  He kept saying, "Let's try on some more! and "Let's see what else we can find."  The first few pairs, Parker wouldn't even stand up because they were too small.  After about 4-5 pairs, I was about to give up, when I found a pair that fit.  I should have headed straight for the check out, but I decided to try one more pair on.  When I pulled the box out, Parker immediately said, "Those are for girls."  The box had a little purple on it, but I didn't pay much attention to it.  I said, "Not they aren't.  Let's try them on."  Keep in mind the sales girl is standing there watching us.  I told her that Parker has a complex about things that are pink and purple.  He thinks everything that is pink or purple is for girls.  Well, we tried them on, they fit, and we bought them.

We headed straight for daddy's work to get his approval before we headed home.  Parker was so excited to show Britt his new boots!  He kept saying, "I'm so exciting!"  Well, I kid you not, the first thing out of Britt's mouth was, "Those are girls boots."  I was like, "No they're not."  He then pointed out the silhouette of a girl on the box AND on the bottom of the boots!  Seriously???  I bought my son girl boots???  After Parker told me they were for girls and I denied it!  Who lets a mother buy her son girl boots anyway?  I mean did sales girl really not know that they were for girls???  I was not a happy camper.  So, we drive BACK to the store, I unload my 18lb. baby and 3 year old, and explain my predicament to the sales people.  Luckily, the girl that helped me was not there, and I got a very helpful man who made sure we not only bought BOY boots, but boots that fit Parker's extra wide feet.  Needless to say, boot shopping was an adventure, but as you can see from the picture, definitely worth it :)

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

A Interview with Parker

Parker turns 3 on Friday.  I really do not know where the time has gone!  He is growing up so fast!  I am going to do several posts about my big man.  I found a Mommy and Me "interview" on pinterest that I thought would be fun to do!  Especially since his birthday is coming up!

What is your name? Parker
How old are you? 2
What is your favorite color? Green
Who is your best friend?  You and Harrison
Favorite Animal?  Cow
What do you want to be when you grow up?  A John Deere tractor
What is your favorite movie?  Lightning McQueen
What is you favorite book?  Tractor book (He was looking at his tractor book during this interview ;))
What makes you happy?  Big trucks, diesels, and big trucks. (Never has there been a truer statement)
What makes you sad?  Trailers
What is your favorite food to eat?  Graham crackers, cereal, and poptarts
What is your favorite song to sing?  Gram's song, the Eagle song, the Braves song, and the other Eagle song.
What games do you like to play?  Puzzles

Here are a few things you may hear Parker say at any given time:

"I heard like a school bus, or a big truck, or a momp sound."
"What's my baby talking about?  Let's go see what my baby is talking about!"
"Mommy, I cannot get my tractor back until I use my nanners."
"That was I big O bite!  You must be careful!"
"It is a BEAUTIFUL day!"
"I am so exciting!" (he means excited)
"While at his grandparents house, I called to see if he would talk to me.  My M-I-L asked him if he wanted to talk to mommy, and he replied, "No thanks, I'm good."

I am sure there are lots more.  I am going to try and update as I remember them.  He really does say the darndest things.  I want to be able to remember them when he gets older!

Busy Weekend

We have once again been super busy around here!  Parker spent 2 nights at his Kk and Jojo's house.  It was  a much needed break for Britt and I, but we missed him so much!  The house was SO quiet.  While he was away, I didn't get a whole lot done. Around the house anyway.  Friday I had a fun photo shoot with a friend who had a baby boy 2 days after I had Harrison!  Here is a one of the pics from our session...
Isn't he precious???  He and Harrison are almost the same exact size as well.  So funny!

Saturday, a group of friends celebrated our friend Holly's b'day at Soulshine pizza.  It was nice to get out of the house and spend some time with friends!  I am sad to say I didn't take any pictures  :(  I really need this bag so that I can bring my camera with me everywhere I go!  

Sunday was Parker's first day to go to children's church!  This is a big deal.  He stays with us for worship, and after the children's sermon, he goes to children's church for the remainder of church.  Britt and I helped with children's church, so he was by himself this time.  He great!  We will see how it goes next sunday when he goes all by himself!  After church, we drove out to Raymond to celebrate britt's Aunt Beth's birthday and her finishing up her chemo treatments.  We are so thankful she is finished with chemo.  She did so well!  She is enjoying a much needed week long vacation at the beach right now!  

Monday was CRAZY!  Britt had to go help my cousin fix their leaking roof, and my friend Holly and new neighbor/friend Caroline took the boys to Newk's for lunch.  999 meltdowns later, we were home and both boys were asleep.  Caroline and Holly were probably scared for life and never want to have any children of their own!  Sorry girls!

Today has been SO much better!  Parker has been in the best mood!  We had a lot of errands to run, and he did great the whole time!  After leaving Target, I asked him if he wanted his crackers.  First, he said no, but when I told him him we were going to one more store, he said, "Yes, I think I DO want my crackers now."  When we pulled up to the store, he said, "I think I will wait in the car." Ha!  Poor thing.  I think he was tired of running errands.  Since he was so sweet the whole time, we finished our outing with McDonald's and a picnic at the splash pad!  He LOVED it!  Not long after we got there, he asked me where my camera was.  I asked why he needed it, and he said, "So you can take a picture of me in front of the waterfall!" Ha!  Do you think he gets his picture taken often? ;)  He settled for a camera phone picture...

Love that boy :)